We'll slice some rind from the pigs behind
After several warnings and one severe beating from the fashion police, I had a haircut My hair was essentially the same length all over due to having had a shaved head recently. Hot tip: It is not cool to have hair growing over your ears the same length as your fringe. Unfortunately, coupled with wearing that damn enormous cape thing, I had no coolness leverage to use at the hairdressers, and felt completely dejected looking at the disaster on my disembodied head that made hurricane Rita look like a tea party that involves floating bloated corpses. So, I just said for her to do whatever she felt like. It's one rung up on the ladder.
Rasterbation is heaps cool. You give it an image, and it blows it up to a massive picture that you print out over like 30 pages, for example. Print it out, stick em up on the wall, be the envy of your friends. Make a statement of your individuality, choose a picture that reflects your desired image, and use it to convince people to sleep with you. I did it to the girl off the front cover of the Bran Van album, but realized I don't have any walls I to stick it to. I am both unemployed and homeless, which is not as romantic and carefree as I'd imagined it. I have not found a single train with one of those carriages at the end that is open and contains straw, in which I may travel the countryside, singing bawdy songs and stealing bread.
Rasterbation is heaps cool. You give it an image, and it blows it up to a massive picture that you print out over like 30 pages, for example. Print it out, stick em up on the wall, be the envy of your friends. Make a statement of your individuality, choose a picture that reflects your desired image, and use it to convince people to sleep with you. I did it to the girl off the front cover of the Bran Van album, but realized I don't have any walls I to stick it to. I am both unemployed and homeless, which is not as romantic and carefree as I'd imagined it. I have not found a single train with one of those carriages at the end that is open and contains straw, in which I may travel the countryside, singing bawdy songs and stealing bread.