Thursday, August 03, 2006

You've had too much to think.

Oh bloody hell, where to start.

So, I signed the lease today on my studio apartment. It is a massive effort finding somewhere to live here. The market here moves so fast, due to so many people and something ridiculous like a (100 - 10^7)% occupancy. The brokers are sharks, the landlords are greedy, and other would-be renters have a headstart on me with fancy things like "credit history", "permanent addresses", "social security numbers", "bank accounts", and "actual money". For about 2 weeks, I was hopped up on wheelbarrow loads worth of Starbucks rocketfuel, hitting refresh on craigslist like it was the fire button on Space Invaders, then ducking off several times a day to see places, often with several other people viewing the place at the same time. Not only that, it has been a heatwave since I've been here (35 to 40 degrees most days), with intermittent torrential rain* complicating matters.

I managed to put an application in on a place, and then it almost didn't happen. I was categorically assured by work that I would have the funds available in my account on time, via wire transfer, in order to pay bond, rent, and broker's extortion fee. That is, I sent this plain-as-day email:

I have an appointment to sign my lease at 11:30am on Wed Aug 2. Can you let me know between now and then if it looks like there is going to be any delay which would mean that I wouldn't be able to hand over certified cheques then? That would be greatly appreciated.

and was given a positive response. I go to the bank today, no funds. I contact Ms. Bumblefuck McTwat in HR, and she says cheques would be issued at the end of the day. I became, um, lets call it... exasperated. Thankfully, my supervisor overheard the commotion, and offered to pop down the bank and get the 8-odd grand required out of his own personal funds, which I would pay back later. What a champion, I can't imagine what would have happened otherwise.

But I can't move in there until 9/1 (That's numerologically significant, man. Also, American date formatting smokes mollusc reproductive appendages). So in the mean time, I've managed to arrange a sublet for a month in a flat with a bunch of sweaty untidy men. I had to clean the furnished room before I moved in, and among the magical surprises left behind was a used dinger. What a crappy way to brag about getting your end away. It's only for a month, so I can hack it. Walking into the bathroom when I'm half asleep means that I'm actually able to use the dunny and shower, although after being woken up in the shower, I become queasy and make a hasty exit.

It may sound like I'm bitching a lot, but I'm having an awesome time.

Perks are best summarized in point form:

  • With my work ID, I get free admission (plus four) to all the museums and stuff in NYC. Rad, eh? And no waiting in line with the common plebe, it's straight through to the members/patrons desk. Not last weekend, but the one before, KT and I did the MOMA. Then last weekend I spent Sunday arvo at the Museum of Natural History, and it was awesome. Dinosaurs galore. Also, ancestors of mammals are highly underrated, at least by me till now. I have photos, but they are possibly too awesome to post. **
  • A totally awesome gym just for employees, with every possible cardio/resistance machine you could ever imagine even in your wildest fever induced dreams. 30 bux a month, ka-ching. Also, all you need to take is shoes, and they give you shirt/shorts/socks/towell.... and.. a jockstrap, which they launder when you're done.***
  • If you knock off after 9, free taxi home!
  • Like, health, dental and other dreary but important stuff.
  • I forget the rest, but I've already written more here than either you or I deserve.

Heads up: I can't access/use Gmail from work, or any other new-fangled form of communication (including mobile phone) for that matter, except my work email and work phone, due to compliance regulations. That is, apparently I'm privy to market sensitive information, and all communications has to be monitored to make sure there's no insider trading going down. That is despite the fact that, at the moment, I barely know which end of the office chair to sit on.

Funny story. There are these god-botherers who hang around public places called "Jews for Jesus". I think that's a pretty funny name for a movement for some reason, and they have these awesome t-shirts with that emblazoned on them. I know Steve would love one of these shirts, especially since he buys Christmas cards and then turns Santa Claus into a Rabbi by giving him long ringlets, a Jew hat, and "Oy, Oy, Oy..." voice balloons. Anyway, I was cruising down the markets on Bleeker st on Saturday, and momentarily paused at one of their stalls, scoping for J4J t-shirts. The guy there bails me up and goes "Oh HI, who do you think Jesus really was?", to which I imperiously replied "A myth!". He starts banging on in reply, and I attempted to rejoin with my opinion several times. Eventually, I spat the dummy and said "Look mate, do you want to have a conversation or would you prefer to talk to yourself?", turned on my heel, and strode off into the crowd. He cried, "come back!", and then when I was about 10 metres away, yelled "PLEASE COME BACK! I'M READY TO LISTEN NOW!!!" More than a few people turned around at this point, and it must have looked as though I dropped some bombs on his faith, then left him high and dry! Brilliant.

Anyway, I know I've gone off the radar on a number of fronts, but the last three weeks have been, um, involved.

* Like, wall of water rain. One day I got absolutely, completely saturated when hiking back from the East Village, after looking at some spectacularly overpriced, vermin infested, delapidated apartment, which was so tiny you had to open the window to talk. When I got back to work, I went downstairs and got someone to dry my clothes. Sweet, as.

** Or possibly I can't be arsed unloading them from my camera.

*** I don't know how to use a jockstrap, and initial experiments have been a bit traumatic. The first time I tried it au naturale (with shorts over the top, of course), and after 20 minutes on the bike, I had a red, inflamed scrotum for a few days afterward. This was due to the coarse nature of the material, not at all due to the, um, communal nature of the jockstraps. Not to be deterred, I tried it as a layer between the old Reg Grundies and shorts, which didn't seem to do much except make that whole region really, really hot and sweaty by the end of the workout, which is a great look. Honestly, what are they for? Google Image search seems to indicate that they are indeed worn au naturale, and that they are for men who specifically prefer the company of other men.


Blogger lil' bro said...

All I know is jock straps are handy for keeping a safe distance between you and the communal Under 12's cricket team hector/box when placed over grundies and under whites.

Try it!

Other solution may be to NOT WEAR THE JOCK STRAP. But hey, you know, free country and all.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If something is provided free of charge it MUST be worn. Wear it on your head if you have to. If you don't wear it you are just rubbing the collective noses of all the people not so fortunate as to be provisioned with free jock straps in your abundance of freshly laundered jock straps.

Sorry to harp but this is a topic close to my heart.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a topic close to your crotch!

Entry + 4? Really? You could form a posse and take them! You could call it the Culture Posse! But for more street cred, I'd suggest spelling it: Kulcha Posse.

Chin up Charlie, no penises on rocks you know. Global community and whatnot. Don't let the pubes get you down!

I'm not on LSD, it just sounds that way.


7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean the ones in the bathroom...

7:50 PM  
Blogger K said...

wa HEY - that's NOT a link for an open plan office.

8:57 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Hm, I'm forced to side with choco on this one lil'bro, you shouldn't look a gift jockstrap in the crotch.

I must be doing something wrong, wearing it is not having the same affect on me as it does on those strapping lads from Google Images Search.

10:18 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

I for two have also always been confused by the jock strap. It seems to be a uniquely american solution to a non-existant problem.

Is it some kind of tease-wear for all the repressed homoeroticisms of a gym change room: expose the arse, but keep the tool strapped down?

10:23 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Good point, Pete, and timely. I'll leave the answer open to further fuel the flames in your fertile imagination, and sigh longingly as you venture out into the pop culture inspired wasteland that is your reality.

Also, how many girlfriends do you have right now?

12:50 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Woa! That seems a little harsh! "Pop culture inspired wasteland"!. Hilarious, though. Kinda has me thinking of the desert scene in Kill Bill. Thats desert, not dessert.

I wonder how my reality would be described? Hmmm. Was going to come up with something witty, but have been distracted. bye bye!

7:07 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Back agin - the Jews for Jesus stuff is pretty funny too. You will have to watch yourself a little now. America is pretty much one big bible belt. You may well think, I care not, but do be careful in the workplace. You never know who is secretely sporting a manically devotional faith. Like, your boss, or the guy you work with.

But give the street dudes hell. You should see Brixton!! They stand on the street with MEGAPHONES and SHOUT the word of jesus.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Chicken - you aint seen nothing til you see the Jesus rappers/break dancers. Coo ee, Bob.

'Shout for jesus, he's ok, gotta make him your saviour today'

etc etc.

9:13 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

Riddle for bible-bashers (I think I heard this from Woody): Could Jesus microwave a burrito so that it's so hot that even He can't eat it?

2:38 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

If, and only if, he really really had the munchies.

But, could he roll a spliff so large that he couldn't smoke it? Then even attempt to microwave hot snacks?!

I think not.

7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If everyone wrote a little less, but a little more often, avoiding work would be a lot easier. I urge you all to think about it!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur.

This post has been insightful and interesting but further updates are required to justify work avoidance.

11:45 PM  
Blogger -Feebz- said...

Please sir, may we have some more?

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

steady as she goes, matty.

9:37 PM  
Blogger lil' bro said...

Come ON!

4:19 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Oi!!! Just cause you ain't postin don't mean you have to drop off the planet altogether!!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really like your blog and i wish you would post again.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell! People are putting Spam in your Blog Comments!! is there anywhere Spam can't reach? Whats happening in New York City Pin? Posty a new update...

12:43 AM  

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