Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bugger me gently.

My niece and nephew. A photo I uploaded a while ago, but haven't had a chance to use.

I shall use the modern miracle of bullet points to explain my wonderous and harrowing journey so far.

  • I spent most of the time in Chicago pretending to work on the book chapter, by making superficial changes to it and rambling on with reassuring technical nonsense when quizzed about it. In the interim, I was furiously swotting away on learning the theory of options pricing. Also decided that Chicago was a gay place to do a postdoc.
  • More recently, I discovered the above probably warrants as a paragraph, but grimly pressed on.
  • I flew to Trondheim in Norway for a postdoc 'interview'*, and gave a seminar. Loved the place, learned a lot of fun facts about Norway that I shall use to both amuse and bemuse people in bars.
  • Flew to Oslo (also in Norway, duh) to have an 'interview' for a position in Nice (which is in France). START THE CONFOUNDERON 5000.
  • Flew to Nice to have a look to see if I like the place. I was also meant to meet someone there, but this fell through while I was in Chicago. Chia picked me up at the airport, and we had a look around and visited the offices. I decided Nice as a city is crappy, that the position is too bound up with French beaurocracy, and that the pay was crappy.
  • Spent a few days with Chia driving from Nice to Rome, while still cramming for the finance interview. Had a fabulous time. I dropped a whole load of bling on an Italian suit in Siena for my interview** in London.
  • Got to London yesterday, rolled up to B-roq's, got a haircut, bought a shirt and tie. The shirt turned out to be some sort of clown suit which required cufflinks (A fitting room assistant at Marks&Spencers has been added to my "People to send to forced labour camps when I'm ruler of all the known multiverses" list). Thankfully, B-roq had an appropriate shirt.
  • Went to the finance interview today. Which is where we resume our regular format.

The interview went from 1pm to 6:30pm and involved 5 people. They rode me 'round like an drunk, unconscious hooker in a distopian, post-apocalyptic, seedy bar movie scene. The questions involved brain-teasers, calculus, probability, and some basic option pricing stuff. It was nerve-wracking, and a little surreal to be sitting around in a luxurious interview room, dressed up like a funeral director, pondering over some silly question about arranging marbles, while being carefully observed by people with doctorates in physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science, and finance. Strangely, I nailed some very difficult questions, and fumbled around like a buffoon with some very, very basic ones. I honestly have no idea how I went.

* Not so much an interview as a sales pitch. The positions are mine if I want them.
** Not so much an interview as statutory rape.


Blogger I-Rock said...

I'm sure you did great in the interview, tiger, you gots the brains and the body for options pricing!

6:58 AM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

You're too kind. This is why you'll never know the raw beastial bliss of taking a man's life.

10:26 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

If it's anything like the first refreshing sip of a shandy after a hard day's work redecorating the rumpus room, I'm with ya.

5:46 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

p.s. cute kids! and a nice shot of em, to boot!

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think ive heard this story somewhere before. Cant think where though. Hm.

Im taking tomorrow off work mr cok, so, if you fancy getting some beer, we can sink some brews (either at home - cheaper, or out - better scenery) and fuck the dog (which is, apparently, canadian for 'shoot the shit'). I have tested this statement before, and found that canadians actually say this. So no smart remarks.


10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work digger. I'm sure you nailed that interview as easily as you would a slatey bream with suicidal tendencies.

When do you hear more?

10:49 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

hmm options pricing.. isn't that like derivatives pricing?

I hear there's some good deals on d^3y/dxdz^2 if you know where to look!

(Hey, they can't all be zingers)

5:27 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Ah, Slatey Bream...

Haven't heard back from them yet (it's been 1.25 days).

Last night Barry threw a mandarin into my forehead.

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B-roq so good to hear you haven't changed, maybe next time try throwing apples, they hurt more.

2:06 AM  
Blogger K said...

Congrats - and well done re: the suiting and the booting. Are you areound on Wed?

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: you're old enough, and certainly ugly enough an an italian suit counts as consent.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are the kids of your half bro right? and they are small looking... thus - are they your 1/4 neice and nephew?

6:02 AM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

divisive chatter. tsk!

4:25 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

hiya! Glad that it all went well. Second round interviews are always a nice sign. Good luck with it all. Fingers crossed for ya!

Also, you know what, the woman didnät even notice the damned hubcap and thez didnät even charge me for dropping elsewhere than Paris. Nadda. I dragged her out there and pointed out that one of the hub caps was, quite clearly, no longer in its rightful place but she didnät seem fussed.

Gotta love the French!

PS nice photo of tots.

5:55 AM  

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