Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Is this the ONE?

I bloody hope so. I put in an application today. Bastards want 2 grand "brokers fee" (rough translation: daylight robbery / blatant extortion), plus 3 months rent "security" because I have no credit history, plus 1 months rent in advance! Sand for dinner again.

Provided the wind is blowing south west, it's pissing distance to work (Locations: work, home). No rubbing up against the unwashed proletariat in the sweaty subway for me.

Also, it's a studio, which is like a one bedroom where kitchen/lounge/bedroom are combined. So, visitors are most welcome, there's tonnes of room.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The reception of the building where I work. For real.


Honestly, FUCK FLICKR and its flaky ability to auto-rotate images via the EXIF infomation. I'm in an inconsolable rage right now.

Originally uploaded by dockta-cok.

So this is where I work now.

Fist shaking ensued.

"Fondling the eye of the bull" is a new euphemism for what's going on here.




The personal touch.

My hotel in the foreground, Chrysler Building in the background. Little of interest at medium distance.