Monday, August 15, 2005

Panini payola.

Not a flash shot, but it's all I got. No need to cover for toughness, either, as this one involves both fire and tractors.

Things are looking good. The thesis draft is now looking schmick-o, however I need to generate a bunch of graphs. I made a solemn oath on the Kabbalah to not be running simulations and generating plots at this stage of the game, but there ya go. I decided to leave out half of another journal paper, because it was too complicated and the results didn't really give me a hard-on. It's now like a tin of John West tuna, as opposed to Sirenia.

I've been thinking for a while about what quote I'd like to put in the first few pages, if at all. I've actually been musing over this for the last few years, intermittently, and settle on something for a few months, then get over it. I was going to put in some choice words from NWA or Kanye, but I've lost the sack to do that. So it's back to putting in some deep pithy quote from someone intelligent, or something wry and ironic even! How novel. Anyway, this is my latest fave, although the context is important, being that the thesis is on asymptotic (infinite) analysis. As an advanced form of procrastination, I've been trawling quotes websites looking for something appropriate. This feels a little cheap and dirty, sort of like picking a tattoo off the wall of the shop.

"If everybody contemplates the infinite instead of fixing the drains, many of us will die of cholera." - John Rich

"I believe in a long, prolonged derangement of the senses to attain the unknown. Our pale reasoning hides the infinite from us." - Jim Morrison

The latter I think is great, with the double whammy being that I was off my tits for a significant portion of the last four years. But that's a bit obvious, and not very professional. Actually, neither of these really raises the wood. I might just leave a blank page.

Be horrified: Geek tatoos.

Be amused: Euphemism generator.

Read red meat, be briefly entertained.

And get aroused, cos I'll be in Sydney on Saturday with a mighty thirst. xo!


Blogger tangles said...

Euphemism generator is as fun as a wheelbarrow of juggling monkeys.

Also – I am very glad to see the geek tattoo site. It kinda keeps one in check regarding future tattoo ideas. Think about it, Chia. THINK ABOUT IT.

10:24 AM  
Blogger K said...

I don't for one second believe that you didn't consider Pi before ruling it out...and you may even have it on your left bum cheek as we speak...

Can't get behind sledging the Auryn, I'm sorry. Raw nerve.

10:52 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

I have even considered variants of infinity, circles, and shopping lists.

I am now thinking - oh so hypothetically - of flowers.

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey digger, I'm now going to take up a good deal of your comment page with Oscar Wilde quotes because, well, I can.

"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative."

"I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again."

"It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information."

"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."

In other news: when you flying out?

11:34 AM  
Blogger K said...

are you going to thank us in the acknowledgements for keeping you company?

at times, it's been a challenge.

mmmmmm, reflected glory....that's the best kind!

12:34 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

Morning all,

Nice to see Barry's bar code features on the front page. Where's your square mat?

If anyone's qualified to talk about re-establishing sanity, it sure ain't Guro.

Choco: I really like that last Wilde quote.

I'm in a similar position re: opening quote for thesis. It's a question of "How wanky should I be?". I'm gonna aim high, I was thinking of:

"and a host of other souls feeling themselves, even now, Rocketlike, driving out toward the stone-blue lights of the Vacuum under a Control they cannot quite name..."

from Gravity's Rainbow. It sounds rad, and it actually does fit in with my thesis pretty well (being about control, rockets to some extent, and also a small part about human reactions, modelled in a control sense)

I too look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

12:57 PM  
Blogger K said...

What about:

'Rock out, with your cock out?'

I've always liked that one - it's evocative, and Britney's husband has it printed on a trucker cap!

2:08 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

(I was at the gym this morning, and had an extended lunch with my grandparents)

Nerita: I was horrified, absolutely and utterly horrified. rm -rf /? Dr Pepper? and Pi...? puh-lease!

KT: Pi is humdrum. I liked the golden ratio ones, but, and the Auryn is fine.

Pete: I'll be around Sat arvo, and we'll do the dodge. I'll be in touch... And no, I didn't get the song. I have the album, but, so I doubt it will surprise me.

Choco: That second one is highly appropriate. I'm flying out Sat, QF426, 11 AM.

KT: The acknowledgements section will either contain a giant digital finger, a rant about Kanye and Fiddy, or some saccahrine sweet ode to my supervisor.

Ian: Obviously a square is not geeky enough, although I was rather relieved not to see lots of others. Your opening quote is great, is says even more clearly than the Morrison quote that you experiemented heavily with LSD.

2:10 PM  
Blogger K said...

I forced Andy to re-print part of his thesis as he had acknowledged me as 'Kate' rather than 'Katie', then claimed during the break up process that I had never made unreasonable demands of him, which was an interesting historical re-interpretation on my part.

Don't forget to mention your Mum. Mums like stuff like that.

2:30 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

How about
"There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about."
-John von Neumann

3:27 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Ooooh! Ian - I LIKE that one. I would like to put that as an adage in my published broadband forecasts...

Quite brilliant.

3:46 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Oh that smarts.

4:57 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

ha, not meant as reference to you mat! Just a funny maths-related quote.

5:47 PM  
Blogger K said...

dont back down now, Ian, hit him with it - BAM!

He likes it when you undermine his confidence!

6:03 PM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

Then he'll just love it when he finds out I've been cancelling the screaming one-eyed flambé behind his back!!

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It won't work katie, mat likes it rough.

6:19 PM  

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