Wednesday, August 10, 2005

You got me in a state of shock. Look at me. Look at me.

It snowed here today. Ok, it was only for a few minutes before it turned into sleet and then rain, but it's still pretty rare. I'm wearing fingerless gloves, which gives me that chic homeless man laissez-fair approach to grooming appeal.

Audioscrobbler has changed to Ian's attempt to slip under the radar and use this service covertly didn't work, I uncovered alarming statistics on his unhealthy appetite for glam rock today on my daily survey of the internet. Also, I'm thinking that Pete wouldn't turn down a cuddle with Jamie Cullum.

It's 10 days now till I'm going to be in Sydney. I've advised the regional distributors of Courvoisier, Jack Daniels and Cougar bourbon of the relevant dates, and have had my dear Colombian friend Miguel post a shipping container of his finest cocaine to synchronize with my arrival. Also, Lyrics Born has made the effort to cross the ditch, which I appreciate. He'll be "throwing down" some "bodacious" rapping with his disc jockey on Sunday at the Metro. Cow-a-bunga.

The emu eggs are due to hatch this weekend, so I might get all Alby Mangels and try and get a photo of them. Who was it I was talking to about Alby Mangels to the other day, and they hadn't heard of him? Choco? Well, I think you need to know. He was, as this website boasts, an

Adventurer * Explorer * Entertainer * Movie-Star * Conservationist * Dead Set Legend

He was this rough sexy bloke who made a series of documentry movies "World Safari" of himself travelling all over the joint in beat-up vans with his dog, usually wearing shorts and no shirt (or some budgie smugglers when he could get away with it). He had a different hot chick with him all the time, often several in one movie. When I was a kid, we didn't have television, but I remember a couple of his 'documentries' were played on a projector in the Willaura town hall. I was a blank impressionable canvas, and to me Alby is still my image of a man. And he had some spectacular fuck-ups.

(From the website)

Alby's talents extend far beyond his film-making abilities. Here's a few of them.

  • His ability to fix things, like the broken main traverse spring in the DAF, using a steel tow rope.
  • In terms of "occupations", he has variously been a brick-layer, a mechanic, a baker, a stockman, a jockey, and an insurance salesman. In terms of the latter, he worked for Old Mutual, the biggest life insurance company in South Africa, to raise money to keep WS I going. In the first eleven weeks he made more money in that short time than anyone had ever made in the entire 140 year history of the company.
  • His ability to inspire people to greatness. Tina Dalton was no-one in particular, just a National Parks & Wildlife ranger before she chanced upon Alby near Kangaroo Island during WS III. Now she's an Australian TV *star*.
  • After Piers Souter became a quadriplegic, he and Piers jointly redesigned a wheelchair that would enable disabled people to transfer from bed to chair to car, unaided. Their design won the Australian Design Award and the Premiers Award for design excellence in 1983.
  • He came second in the Australian Water-Skiing Marathon Titles one year.
  • He's a black belt in Taekwondo!

A bit off topic there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me? Not know Alby? I think you must be confusing me with someone un-Australian.

Scott Wolley et al used to make the musical sound assosiated with lizards in any Alby Mangels film (i.e. a high pitched didledidledidle) whenever I walked past for about 3 years.

11:05 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Oh, furry muff then. I didn't realize that's what Scott was doing. I just thought he was a retard.

10:12 AM  
Blogger K said...

Implying you were a lizard?

I don't get it... they're not particularly tall or anything...?

10:19 AM  
Blogger K said...

I always thought Alby Mangels was a character on Neighbours.

So he's the little known misogynist Leyland Brother, then?

10:21 AM  
Blogger K said...

ooooh - deja vu - you have already explained this to me, Mat...

10:28 AM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Implying that he might catch or eat lizards. Don't knock Alby, or he'll come over to your joint in some shorty-shorts, sweep you off your feet and then take you trekking across a desert on a 3-legged camel. And you'd love it. I would.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the episode where his dog died. I cried. I was also about 6 at the time, just so no one questions my manliness. I also cried when the ewok died at the end of Return of the Jedi but I make no apologies for that. Lucas put more emotion into that one scene than all of episodes 1, 2 and 3 combined.

10:58 AM  
Blogger K said...

wow - they were really lacking in genuine ethnic minorities to vilify at your school, weren't they?

he sounds kinda like the bogans' Macguyver...!

11:05 AM  
Blogger I-Rock said...

I cried when some little bastard, supposedly my friend, threw my brand new X-Wing fighter down the staircase at my birthday party, thinking it would fly.

Is this some kind of "Wild Men" meeting, where we all bring up repressed teaful memories, and dance around in our underwear, and then hug a truck driver??

12:46 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

Steve Irwin is not worthy of mention in the same breath as Alby Mangels. Alby would shove a croc up Steve's arse and then go shag his American wife, given half a chance. The trouble is that his XB falcon probably blew up on the way near Coober Pedy somewhere and he's cracking open rocks with his forehead looking for opals so he can get enough money to fix it.

12:48 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

And yeh, I cried like a baby too when his dog got shot. What a kick in the guts. Ewoks can fuck off, but I'll still be in any ensuing hugging.

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a heartless bastard Matthew.

12:57 PM  
Blogger K said...

All this Star Wars talk gets the lay-dies so hot... I'm not sure which one of you to throw myself at first...

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooowww, oooowwwwh, pick Anakin; he is like SO hot!

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw him at the pub! Seriously!
I meant which one of you... but have now decided to sit back down and not fling myself anywhere. Too tired.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a nerdy one at that. Can you please post the link on this here blog?

3:47 PM  
Blogger K said...

Anyone: that song that goes: 'Pleasure from the bass... do de do de do'???

4:18 PM  

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