Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Like getting juiced off a deuce-deuce of cokey.

I gave myself a sore neck taking this shot, yelling at the damn cockies to fly around dramatically.

I have got a fuckload, or possibly even a couple of fuckloads of work to do in the next month. However, Choco and I are going skiing for three days at Mount Buller, and according to several skiing websites, the word on the street, my weekly palmistry reading, and a Phrenolgy session I gave myself this morning, it's shaping up to be a right doozy. Chris and I have signed a voodoo pact to push a variety of barriers on this trip, including:

  • the land-speed record (unmotorized category)
  • jump airtime and distance acheivable, using the upturned board of a novice snowboarder as a lauching point,
  • the non-fatal proportion of your circulatory system which contains bourbon,
  • the number of ski bunnies which can be fit on a single lap in front of the fireplace at the lodge,
  • number of bones broken in a single expression session (compound fractures and incidental fatalities are a subcategory).

The most fascinating thing, however, will be the bit where I conjure money to finance the trip out of the aether by sheer force of will. Fuck it, I still got my balaclava.

Anyone who sits in front of a computer listening to music for most of their waking hours, should get into audioscrobbler. It's a plugin for your favourite media player which records details of your listening habits, and compiles all this data to give you a variety of edifying statistics. Not only that, it can identify people with similar tastes, and you can check out their top songs, and maybe discover new music. I first started using this donkeys ago when it came out, but not many people were using it so I didn't bother. Now, it's matured, and is fascinating. My listening stats are here. If you do it, send me a link to your stats so as I can stickybeak.

The new pop77 mix came out today, and it's a hum-dinger. The only people which give an airborne copulation (i.e., Chia and Choco) already know this, but I'll throw it out there anyway.

The UPS (uninterruptible power supply = battery backup) I ordered for the computer arrived the other day. The power out here is really bloody dodgy, and over the last few months the power has dropped out for a few seconds at least three times. This is bad news. Yet another reason to hate those bloody power lines.

Anyway, I gots to get to bed and then get to the gym in the morning. Iron don't pump itself. Neither does arse, more's the pity.


Blogger tangles said...

It feels exceptionally dodgy to download and install this scrobbler thingy. Kinda the internet equivalent of hanging out the front door of an Abercrombie St house at 4am and yelling, "Hey! Guys!! I've got fifty bucks and some spoons!!!"... But, as ever, morbid fascination prevails. I must know what percentage of the time I listen to crap.

Better yet – I wanna know WHICH SECTIONS of pop77 and Alex C I find most appealing.

You tell me computer… you tell me.

9:08 AM  
Blogger K said...

it might be great, but it won't bloody download.

My ipod calls the 50/NIN mash up: 'Classic Rock' - interesting interpretation, I thought.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, just thought I'd let you know that underground powerlines cost at least ten times as much to install as overhead powerlines.

I like your plans to underground your lines when you inherit the farm, but I hope you have a small property!

10:38 AM  
Blogger K said...

I'll pay for it with some of multi-millions earnt as a rock star.

You can all have a pressie each. I plan to be a benevolent rock star, who cares about unsightly power lines as well as other socio-political issues.

I'm still gonna trash hotel rooms, though.

11:48 AM  
Blogger K said...

Kanye is only number 7!

You should show him much respect... call yourself a brother?

11:58 AM  
Blogger K said...

Rather a lot of Britney, no surprises there

12:11 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

lil' bro: you're a ray of sunshine.

KT: So you like the postal service? Coo-ee. Do you like "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight"? (track 1). I do.

12:46 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

It's should be fine for work, elite comrade. It just collects info on the tracks you play, and occasionally logs into the scrobbler website and posts the information.

12:56 PM  
Blogger tangles said...

Yeah... real harmless. Besides letting THE MAFIA know what SONGS YOU LIKE!!!

1:33 PM  
Blogger K said...

It was donated to me by my human scrobbler! I do really like it! A LOT!

I sound like I'm yelling with all these exclamation marks!!!

3:27 PM  

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