Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Arise, Chicken!

Another photo of the dog. You know, I really despise people who take lots of photos of their pets and show them to people, and keep photos of them at their desk and in their wallet. Mostly because they get a goofy grin and half a mongrel when showing you photos of these wretches, most of which are ugly as a hatful of monkey's arses if you ask me. Also, most photos of them are taken from head-height directly downwards, with a stunning lawn-based background and the critter staring directly into the lens in a bewildered fashion. However, my excuse is that I only usually take photos during my afternoon constitutional, and often the most interesting thing to photograph is Toffee. Isn't she just so cute, though?! Awww...

Choco is heading down again this weekend, and we are in the later stages of negotiation as to how we shall entertain ourselves. If I have my way, we'll get in a game of squash, a workout, and sink a bunch of piss and get into some sort of longwinded argument. He's also serenading me to go skiing at Bulla at the end of the month for a few days, which I'm rather tempted by. The family Fiji trip is off, or at least postponed until the end of the year, for various reasons, not least of which being me flipping out all over the place about never finishing my thesis and being indefinitely stuck in some sort of academic purgatory, so I've got a bit of time up my sleeve. I'm going to have to hire out my body to raise the cash for it, but, eh.

People I haven't got back to that I really bloody should because they've sent me emails of significance: Barry, Fiona, Michael, Pete, Marcelle. Oh and I really should call Steve he's gonna think that "My ARSE has finally decided to eat my own hand!...It HUNGERS!...For MORE!!!", to quote Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Nothing personal guys, I'm just crap.

Anyway, bugger this, I'm going to watch another episode of Trailer Park Boys from Season 4 (yep, and I'm downloading season 5 now), then whack off and go to bed. Well, that's what B-roq and I would customarily say without any further explanation, but actually written down it looks pretty vulgar, even to me with my refined love of dysphemisms.

Ooroo, niggaz!


Blogger K said...

I think it's fine, as long as the pet in question is of the same high calibre as Toffee (which is rare). She's a good kid.

Shout out to Toffee (woof out?)!

and yes, it does sound vulgar, cos I am a lady, you see - I like doing lady things, like sewing and kittens and... might have to start varying my TV watching I think.


10:46 AM  
Blogger K said...

I like the Toffee:stick size ratio she seems to generally choose as well - shows gumption.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:32 AM  
Blogger K said...

did you get my email, chris?

12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the fact that we are using COKS message board for this forum but no, I did not.

I have to bugger off for a meeting in the city so I'll have to wait another day for it!!!!

1:35 PM  
Blogger K said...

your work email could not handle THE MOST AWESOME SONG IN THE WORLD.

Check in case it's been stripped - also - do you have a gmail account? Might help - I can invite you if need be.

3:49 PM  
Blogger K said...

also, Mat loves our random convos on his blog - it ups his post count and makes him feel special and manly. So, yeah - we are doing his fragile ego a favour.

5:13 PM  
Blogger dr. cok said...

My balls. You know what to do with 'em by now.

Hmmm... that leaves me open to some fairly obvious comebacks. But I stand by my ambiguous comeback.

5:18 PM  
Blogger K said...

Like: try to find em with my microscope, perhaps..??

ha ha ha.

er hem - I have to get back to work now - it's after 7 and I have a lot of ringtones to download.



6:57 PM  

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