Monday, June 20, 2005

I heart Brett.

Ian-from-the-island was kind enough to burn me a dee-vee-dee of a collection of all the digital photos taken on the trip, which included the above nugget. As you would probably surmise, this chap (Toby) got plenty loaded and fell asleep in a hammock, and dear ol' B-roq was waiting in the wings with his trusty Artline texta and a coarse understanding of perspective, anatomy, and common decency. However, in a an unusual and uncommon display of respect, B-roq also somehow refrained from depicting ejaculation, a courtesy not even extended to a past girlfriend who suffered the same prank...

It has been raining a lot, and the forecast tomorrow is rain and six degrees. Coo-ee, Mum.

Words to live by (according to Pete)
"If you like it, try it.
If you don't like it, try it, you might like it."


Blogger K said...

Past girlfriendS. Plural.

Fatty was quite clearly threatened by the fact that this guy is a GOD! It takes some good looks to continue to be hot with a penis drawn on your face., and he's doing it!

9:30 AM  
Blogger tangles said...

Yeah - he is a cute little munchkin.

10:15 AM  

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