Yesterday morning, one minute from the sun appearing over the horizon. This photo looks heaps cool full size, with the sheep in silhouette on top of the hill 'n all.
- I had two serves of boiled sago plum pudding again at Grandma's at lunchtime. With icecream AND cream AND (real) custard. Hoo-boy.
- New pop77 mix, and it's a good one. Get it up ya.
- There is an emu sitting on eggs in the middle of the paddock over the road. I've got photos to prove it, but I'll save that one for the next post.
- Do not play Rome:Total War, and if you do, don't attack Africa unless you really mean it. This game kicks every known type of arse.
- Dad hit me twice with the squash ball when we had a game this morning, and it hurts. Like Choco, I now also have the Eye of Sauron on my left forearm and right inner thigh.
- I can nail the 100 pounds on the benchpress now, and feel heaps tough, especially considering that when I started two months ago, I was struggling on a pissweak 60 pounds. New goal is, oh, say, a billion pounds.
- That doesn't sound like I'm doing a lot of work, eh? Like snap I aint! I'm over the damn hump. After doing a bit of easy mopping up, I estimate I'll be sending those effing papers off real soon.
Madvillain sez:
Last wish - I wish I had two more wishes / and I wish they'd fix the door to the Matrix / it’s mad glitches / spit so many verses sometimes my jaw twitches / one thing this party could use is some more … (pause) … Booze.
p.s. listen to madvillain.
That's really purty. Was it the sheeps' dawn service? They do have those three Messiahs n all, now.
REAL custard? You suck! Where can I get a grannie? Do they sell them somewhere? Can we develop a time share system?
Also, I reckon your Dad hit you due to secret resentment that you don't look as much like him as Adam, like: 'Take that, my less-resembling-me son!'.
It's a solid theory.
It's good to see your dad is getting a bit of his own back. I hope you brused...
Hey Mat, it's Ian
Stunning photo! Well done!
Thanks bro. The most stunning thing about it is that I was up before sunrise. It may as well be a photo of a blue moon.
I agree, fantastic composition. If the whole electrical engineerig thing falls through, you could be a fashion photographer! You could bed lots of hot models!
Not meaning to imply that engineering doesn't bring on the hoardes of hot chicks...
I've never met a girl that didn't find a PhD in E.E. alluring.
But that could be taken as an indication of how many girls I've met.
Given that there are far more sheep in this picture than hot bitches perhaps we have already discovered your preference? Nothing like pulling on a woolly on a cold morning is there?
Ian - it only takes one.
Chris - in times of need, you do what you can.
Barry - isn't the point that Mat wants to end the relationship with his thesis - like a clean break, def not require a second go
time for something new - we have all admired the pretty picture, so get moving!
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