Black tits gettin' blacker.

The eggs! There are now nine. I find it rather odd the way they just make their nest out in the open like this, although in the process of writing this I've realized that it's not that odd at all. However, with KT breathing down my neck for a new update, I can't let down my fans, especially the mentally unstable ones. Fun fact #1: The male sits on the eggs for 8 weeks and loses 10-15kg of weight in the process.
Well, I've been off the radar for a bit, because I've finally finished that effing paper. Bask in its dull glow using your computer monitor here. All being well, all this work should retrofit the other paper. However, it is a 70 page paper and does all these things on a much grander scale, so the challenge will be incorporating the changes efficiently.
The inspiration for my somewhat risque subject line arises from the fact that my dear friend Choco experienced a bit of rough love when we had a game of squash yesterday in Ararat. All theatrical scene-setting aside, it suffices to say that I was running towards Chris and drilled the ball into his tit from about 3 metres away. The Eye of Sauron is everywhere. Chris, if you are reading this, firstly, you are black, and secondly, please send me a photo of your blackened tit. After that we pumped some arse together, which is hipster jive-talk for 'we did some weights together'. After that we had homosexual relations together.
Anyway, I should be working. I went to the gym this morning with my Mum, as I'm trying to goad her into going regularly to the pool to do laps. We met this old lady who was 75 and does 80 laps a day, and who learnt to swim when she was 62. Her first goal was to finish a single lap, which took her some time. Truly inspirational stuff.
Anyway, as I said, I should be working. Later, internet.
Where is the father emu at the time this pic was taken? Freakin irresponsible if you ask me! I've been to your farm, it ain't in the tropics, those poor embryos are probably chilly. If you listen closely, you could prob hear a low hum from the poor little things shivering and vibrating together.
Chris: you could do better. Also, I have no idea what you mean, my phone number has been the same for 3 years???
PS: Mat - if you're really lucky, one of your unstable fans could develop erotomania, and given we are all physically attractive, that ain't all bad news.
Well, the father ran off when he saw us coming. I was a bit concerned about this as well, but Dad was very dismissive of the issue. You will be pleased to know he returned sometime later, and sits there presently.
Chris: I agree with KT, you could do better. Also, I have no idea what either of you mean.
We all mean something to someone, somewhere don't we? Or else, what is the point?
Chris wrote me a text message saying: 'What's with the new number?', which I found puzzling as I have only ever written to him from the same number. I was encouraging him to look further afield for his bum pushing activities, you know they have to get it out of their system before they can truly commit, young Mat, you can't tie a young buck down too early, it leads to heartache.
They really need to give me more work to do, and I should really stop distracting your from writing your faeces.
Right, now to address three issues in a single post.
Firstly: I have struggled with the best way to take said photo of my breast whilst at work. I figure my options are to ask a colleague to simply take a picture of it next time someone comes down to see me or to smuggle my camera into the toilet and take a picture in the mirror. The first method is kinda weird although in a confident and forthright kinda way. If I were to be caught with a camera in the toilet however I might develop a reputation.
Secondly; if you are 'taking the cock' (so to speak) does it really matter what your partner looks like? They are behind you after all.
Thirdly: KT, your number in my phone (as entered drunkenly by mat) is different from that of the text I received last night. I am also confused by the nature of this apparent rent in the time-phone continuum.
My final closing thought for the day regards the title of this post. Mat, do you realise that by replacing the 'g' on 'getting' with a ''' is actually 1 more key stroke than entering the 'g'. Did you also know that by telling you about it took 293 key strokes more than if I hadn't bothered?
Your arithmetic boggles me, as ever. However, my arithmetic is famously terrible, so I'm going to agree in principle.
I see your dilemma regarding the photo, so do what you can. The internet needs another nipple.
Allow me to field that one with a single answer:
1) Suck my balls.
Yo Matty. Awesome to hear that you are going well with the report thesis thingaroo. I will have a butchers when I get a chance and need to be more confused than I already am...
Is your Mum enjoying your forced swimming bouts? Do you just take her there and throw her in the deep end?
You know, you can lead a horse to water but it is a bit nasty to push them in ... at least, I think it goes like that. Oh - and I am not calling your Mum a horse. I was just making glib use of popular sayings. Sorry.
Hey mat,
paper looks good. I don't know what free probability theory is, but asymptotic eigenvalue distributions sound very interesting.
A lot of people in control at the moment are looking at co-ordination of large groups ("swarms") of vehicles or what-not. That kind of stuff might be useful there.
I started doing some work there, but stalled a bit and have set it aside until after my thesis. I still think I can get some good results from it, somehow, but check out a short draft report if you like:
(probably full of mistakes)
Keep plugging away at the thesis buddy. I'll tell ya, if you really want to punish someone, make them read their own writing ten thousand times over, looking for mistakes.
later bro.
Choco: Well met.
Nerita: She is enjoying it, but a strategically placed firecracker. 5 minutes on the walking-machine and 15 minutes yakking to the locals does not count!
Ian: Interesting stuff! I've had a brief read, but it's hard to tell well this random matrix stuff I've been doing has any application. Chances are it does, but we'd have to sit down and wave our arms around a lot before we understood each other.
kiss hug.
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