Holla if you hear me, light it up if you're with me.
My conspicuous absence from your internet is over.
I've been as busy as the proverbial one-armed teenager with two dicks, or possibly even the one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest. Suffice to say, I've been as busy as some sort of amputee in a comical scenario. The reason for my immediate busy-ness, as opposed to my general overall state of busy-ness, is that I'm heading up to the Sydney on Thursday for that job interview at Agere on Friday. Also, I need to have a yarn with my supervisor about things that I'm stuck on, even though he's highly unlikely to help me with any of it. But it helps to talk about it to someone who is vaguely interested, and doesn't do that whole glaze over thing.
Today I finished going through all the derivations on that big arsed paper. The downside being, is that in hindsight I've worked out far more cunning and direct way to do a bunch of things, and now need to go back to that other damn paper and update it accordingly.
Beyond gay work related stuff, Choco rescued me from my track pants and Madura tea on Sunday to play some squash and pump... up the jam. There was a chance on Saturday night for us to attend a twenty-first of someone or other loosely related to Chris' girlfriend's sister, at some farm. Chris wisely opted to not bring me to such party, within range of free booze, which is good for the community at large, but far less interesting. Anyway, we did our thing, and Chris hit me with the ball, and it hurt, but I took it fairly well, promising only to salt the earth of his children's land, but not his children's children's land, and to exact vengeance on him with the power of one-hundred suns, not my usual thousand.
There's another sheep down, but I don't like this ones attitude. She wont drink the water I hauled over for her, and keeps trying to run off. Because they lie on their side for a long time, all their balance is effed up, so when they try to run they keep leaning over towards the side they've been lying on, and end up stacking it within a few metres. Daft.
And like I was saying, peace out, wiggaz. Oh, even better, I have to knock off this picture from todays somethingawful.com update. I think it says it better than I ever could.
oooooh - a visit - how exciting!
I recommend laxatives. You won't be pleasant company if you haven't got it out of your system by Thursday.
Hey Matty!!
I reckon talking it over with someone who doesn't glaze over is a bonza idea. You will propel yourself forward in leaps and bounds. I had yesterday off yoga, and went home early to work on some forecasts that have been hanging over my head. It was good. This morning went to yoga and came home to find A KITTEN in the house. How exciting! It was pretty interested in my sweaty hands, which was a bit rank, but it was SOOO CUTE. We get to look after it for a couple of days.
Anywoo. This is really my stuff, which should probably go on my blog, but there you go. My babble is my present to you!
Do we get to see your ass (or even better, you as a whole)?
Not you as a hole, ha ha ha.
My witty and amusing comment makes no sense since you removed your initial post. Curse you!
I must say I agree with B-Roq though, your pictures are remarkably good for a supposed left-side-brain maths nerd.
you know, if everyone keeps flattering Mat in this way, he won't be able to leave the house to come to Sydney as his head will not fit through the door and he will be trapped in the one room until we cut him down a little.
Grease that fat head up, Mat, it'd be great to see you!
I thought Hulk Hogan had retired? He's a grandfather! Wow - he's really doing it tough...
Choco: I'm sure your comment was witheringly funny in context. You can keep the kudos, it's on me.
Nerita: Ta for the babble, helps to fatten out the comments section and maintain 'the illusion', wink, wink. And kittens rule, Steve has one at his house.
B-roq: You have an entire continent to plunder with your lens. Get plunderin.
KT: My ass and greasy head will be available for your viewing pleasure, and that of the greater metropolitan area.
Everyone else: suck my balls.
Also - all fingers and toes are crossed for your interview, which is highly uncomfortable and makes typing hard!
Best of luck, young Mat! May their eyes glisten with awe and wonder at your supreme nerdiness!
Are you excluding we four from any ball sucking activities?
Hey mat,
good luck for the interview!
How does that fit with the quantum dealo in queensland? can you do both?
And I don't want to suck your balls now, but feel free to check again later.
Thanks for all the well-wishing, but I'm not sure how much I want this job. Unless they pay me an absolute arseload of money, I'd rather fuck around doing postdoc Quantum info theory stuff, and doing a bit of travel (with the family to fiji, over to the uk to hang with b-roq, and stuff). Anyway, I'm going to the interview to suss it all out, plus score a free flight to Sydney. Ian, the offer is always there.
Speaking of nerds, check
this out
A quote from the article:
"The Americans have a secret spaceship?" I ask.
"That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."
"What were the ship names?"
"I can't remember," he says. "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect."
Well if you come to Europe, make sure you swing by Sweden!
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