Anzac day
My weekend primarily consisted of getting to know one of my older brothers, Mark. I stayed at his joint in Yarra Glen (go left at woop-woop and carry on for another few clicks...), then got wayy drunk with him on Friday night. I couldn't even rummage up a homeless man to go rock climbing with, so I made Choco swear on on his own black heart we'd do it next week. Heaven help us all if he should lose his sense of balance in some bizzare and tragic internet accident, leaving me stranded once more. He'd rue the day, as I'd use my marginally increased lifting ability to further disable him somehow.
What Anzac day means to you lot of juvenile delinquents:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Modern interpretation: Others grow old normally, while you age abnormally fast due to heavy substance abuse.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
Modern interpretation: Age may not weary them, similar to the way lack of sleep for 48 hours does not weary you, as you are meth freaks.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Modern interpretation: On Anzac weekends we party all afternoon, night, and into the next morning, and remember where we stuffed our stash.
I've got a gmail address now, finally. I really don't know why it has taken so long for someone to offer me one, as I'm a supernerd. I was kind of expecting an email from Larry Page and Sergey Brin fairly early on, actually, along the lines of "hi mat, how's things, would you fancy a nerdy email account to go along with your thick glasses and large bookshelf? toodles, Larry and Sergey". If anyone wants one, I can hook them up. Although, I imagine most people will be all like "got one, dude, from my uncle in Maitland who reconditions novelty blinker sticks".
Dad took me out in the above 4WD on Sunday for a 'drive', and showed me a few interesting tracks. There is a 'back way' to Halls Gap through the mountains, you see.
I've found a 3 page proof which does exactly the type of thing I need to satisfy the reviewers on my most recent paper. I've been poring over the proof all afternoon, and I'm starting to understand bits and pieces. It's a very boring and tedious proof, but somehow quite fascinating. Once I've got that sorted out, I'm sweet. I'm succulent and fragrant in fact, with delicate undertones of oak, raspberry, and rexona.
Kanye sez:
She's got a light-skinned friend,
look like Michael Jackson,
Got a dark-skinned friend,
look like Michael Jackson...
look like Michael Jackson,
Got a dark-skinned friend,
look like Michael Jackson...
Bruce Mau is an architect who is famous and wrote a design book called S, M, L, XL which is also famous.
As some of you may know, I believe art to be the thinking ground of innovation and the source of technological direction.
Bruce Mau's latest project is called "Massive Change" and explores ideas, facts, and futures of design. I believe his ideas to be interesting and maybe important. He may come across as a technology-star-struck "creative", but there you go.
I have actually not read the site in great depth, but I have read ABOUT his touring instalation. Sounds cool. And I bought the book from Amazon. Maybe I am just suckered....
Yo negro - are you going to be around for the June long weekend? Looks like I'll be hitting the road with young Hoffo in tow roundabout then.
PS: Your 'advice' to outlast my dental pain with Nurofen Plus has resulted in an impacted tooth and related infection, which has in turn resulted in a lop-sided head, and the need for surgery totalling around 2.5 grand with some kind of 'facial surgeon'!
I'm hideous! And all I have is my looks! Not much to have some may say, but sad to lose nonetheless. Lose, not loose.
Hey there maddy,
Finally B-Rock has come in for a climb with his mate from i grabbed this bogg thing and thought i'd send you a cyber-smack for ordering that grampians book as I have my own copy and I also have 12 sitting on the shelf behind me....all with a nice discount....
Anyway, hope you are doing well....don't forget to stretch when you watch tv...need to flex up those hips....
I'm still out if you haven't heard as my pully in my finger is stuffed. I also have managed to compleatly lose my butt...all in 3 weeks! (Amazing what single life will do!) So I figure when I'm in the gramps with ya..i'll only need to drag 25 kilos upwards!
Balls about the climbing book. Interesting though. Open up the map in the first few pages, and you see Moyston there. Actually, the other day when I went for a drive with Dad, we went up Redmans Rd, which is where a few climbs are. BUGGER I HAVE NO GEAR!
And how did you lose a but you never had? It's like being born without an arm, then getting phantom itches, and then remarking that it has stopped itching. Somehow.
When are you coming down? Do you have an email address? I only have your old CBA one.
If you want to see the full size version, go to
If you would like me to buy some gear for you I can get you Petzl/Arc'tryx I would go the Petzl. I can get you a full set of draws (12) can get you Wild Country/ Black Diamond/DMM. I can get you shoes but you need to size and choose at a shop, then I can order them from here (takes about 1 week.) Oh and of course..a rope. Now think carefully as I wont be working here forever and the discount is worth abusing! ;o)
Ha ha ha...a concave butt and less than a hand full!!! I am now sipping on lard shakes in an effort to get that boobbutt situation under control!!
love ya work
email: but try with an au at the end aswell.
ps the Petzl was refering to your new harness!! only the best
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