Gayniggers from Outer Space!
This movie exists! Click the interweb hypermouse to surf there now.

This is the main drag of Willaura, where I went to Primary School.
Choco (being a card-carrying member an annoying, overly vocal, social minority, that being, of course, people who read this self-conscious drivel! burned!), demanded that he get a mention somewhere, I'm guessing just so that he can print out the page, take it home to his mum/guardian/parole officer and say "Look Darren! I'm on the internet!"

Ok, I forgot to mention that I went climbing with Choco and Steve on Friday evening, which was great, but so 'king busy! I think for the sake of five bucks, I'll just go when things are quiet, like when Choco and I went on Tuesday, after I dropped Wen back to the airport: we had the place to ourselves! We revelled in the heady buzz of infinite choice, and swung from rope to rope like tarzan and jane, or a pair of tarzans, or even a pair of janes! We abandoned our restrictive harnesses and crippling footwear, and climbed and climbed like mother nature intended. Chris also hurt his nuts pretty bad, and was rolling around on the floor, whimpering and nursing his wedding tackle. I found it hard to be terribly sympathetic, (insert acerbic dick envy joke here). But we've seriously got to get our own shoes/harness, as hiring them is only supporting C'thulhu.
I do appreciate the hospitality Choco and Steve have shown the last few weekends, it has been smashing. I've more or less wandered in each week with a fairly vaugue and unpredictable schedule, often giving little or no notice, and they've been most understanding, or at least tolerant and outwardly courteous. Big internet shout out to my main Melbourne homies... youse r00lz.
So Dad, Wen and I went spotlighting, which was delightfully rural. We were going from paddock to paddock, and there were quite a few gates to open, drive through, then close. Wen was quite helpful with her first gate, jumped down, opened it up nice and quick, we drove through, she closed the gate and begun doing up the chain all very efficiently. Standing on the wrong side of the gate. Dad thought that this was possibly the most amusing thing, ever! I laughed condescendingly also, with a grin that had "bloody city slickers" written all over it. However, it seems I met my match that evening. We encountered what must have been some kind of super-rabbit, perhaps the love-child of Captain America or suchlike. We caught him red-handed having a late-night grassy snack, and it wasn't his grass! I let off a full clip of justice in his general direction. The first one emptied his belly out onto the ground, to which he roared in definance and attempted to escape. It took a further 4 bullets to finally bring the raging vermin to his no-so-lucky knees. There wasn't a lot left to take home for the dog. If that makes you all feel all icky, and you eat meat regularly, you are a raging hypocrite and a fag! No, really, if it's any consolation, I do it because it must be done, but I don't enjoy it that much, mostly because it's often very, very cold.
I'm gonna dig through my photo archives and put up a few 'blast from the recent past' piccy's up. First installment is straight outta Compton, where by Compton I mean Newcastle. By coincidence, this was exactly a year ago...

This is the main drag of Willaura, where I went to Primary School.
Choco (being a card-carrying member an annoying, overly vocal, social minority, that being, of course, people who read this self-conscious drivel! burned!), demanded that he get a mention somewhere, I'm guessing just so that he can print out the page, take it home to his mum/guardian/parole officer and say "Look Darren! I'm on the internet!"

Ok, I forgot to mention that I went climbing with Choco and Steve on Friday evening, which was great, but so 'king busy! I think for the sake of five bucks, I'll just go when things are quiet, like when Choco and I went on Tuesday, after I dropped Wen back to the airport: we had the place to ourselves! We revelled in the heady buzz of infinite choice, and swung from rope to rope like tarzan and jane, or a pair of tarzans, or even a pair of janes! We abandoned our restrictive harnesses and crippling footwear, and climbed and climbed like mother nature intended. Chris also hurt his nuts pretty bad, and was rolling around on the floor, whimpering and nursing his wedding tackle. I found it hard to be terribly sympathetic, (insert acerbic dick envy joke here). But we've seriously got to get our own shoes/harness, as hiring them is only supporting C'thulhu.
I do appreciate the hospitality Choco and Steve have shown the last few weekends, it has been smashing. I've more or less wandered in each week with a fairly vaugue and unpredictable schedule, often giving little or no notice, and they've been most understanding, or at least tolerant and outwardly courteous. Big internet shout out to my main Melbourne homies... youse r00lz.
So Dad, Wen and I went spotlighting, which was delightfully rural. We were going from paddock to paddock, and there were quite a few gates to open, drive through, then close. Wen was quite helpful with her first gate, jumped down, opened it up nice and quick, we drove through, she closed the gate and begun doing up the chain all very efficiently. Standing on the wrong side of the gate. Dad thought that this was possibly the most amusing thing, ever! I laughed condescendingly also, with a grin that had "bloody city slickers" written all over it. However, it seems I met my match that evening. We encountered what must have been some kind of super-rabbit, perhaps the love-child of Captain America or suchlike. We caught him red-handed having a late-night grassy snack, and it wasn't his grass! I let off a full clip of justice in his general direction. The first one emptied his belly out onto the ground, to which he roared in definance and attempted to escape. It took a further 4 bullets to finally bring the raging vermin to his no-so-lucky knees. There wasn't a lot left to take home for the dog. If that makes you all feel all icky, and you eat meat regularly, you are a raging hypocrite and a fag! No, really, if it's any consolation, I do it because it must be done, but I don't enjoy it that much, mostly because it's often very, very cold.
I'm gonna dig through my photo archives and put up a few 'blast from the recent past' piccy's up. First installment is straight outta Compton, where by Compton I mean Newcastle. By coincidence, this was exactly a year ago...

Jesus. You coming up to Sydney means it is Barry "bugger off" evening, which means ... Barry is going to bugger off soon!! How sad!
Awww.... thanks chia, i will miss youse all let me tell you. However, if i can get my head around the complicated US military style technology that powers these blog thingos, then i will power up my own and delight you with tales from the old country! If not, i will still be lurking at the fringe of the interweb, picking off unsuspecting passersby as they stroll through it's murky world. By this i mean i will pop onto this blog and write a few things now and then. That doesn't sound quite so intimidating or ominous though really does it??
8--D (thats a penis) 8--D 8--D (Peni). hehehe.
(o)(o) those are boobs. It is a sad irony that I am able to make boobs digitally and yet...
He'll be back... they always come back... in the end.
Looking forward to seeing you at Barry's thing Matty - I am going to be quite late, so expect you to be drunk and affectionate by the time I get there!
Those boobs are lame. Check these ones out:
hey-hey! can I buy you a drink?
some men like large areolas.
turn these numbers upside down
the last one makes up for all those naughty thoughts.
Barry - the blog is a well worthwhile thing to do.It makes great procrastination for the rest of us. I am sure it is not as hard as clever people make it out to be. In fact, I set one up called "chia-chia" but I haven't posted to it yet ... step "1" was easy though!!
Yes, I have one too, and I am legally retarded.
Gnnyagaghghgh.... bllblblblblllfff...
Awww, now I feel special. On another note: I hate to be picky (actually I love to be picky but I'm not normally very good at it), but you would also have to read the numbers back to front as well as upside down in order to achieve amusing words.
If you yourself were upside down, the words would read from left to right. My instructions were misleading.
ohho, I see. My mistake. It shant happen again.
I have in-fact printed out this page and pinned it up next to my signed photo of David Hasselhoff (Knight Rider Hasselhoff, not sellout Baywatch Hasselhoff (mmm..breasts)(see the clever symbol thingy I did in the last brackets to show breasts?)). It merely goes to show that with very little prompting, you too can have a badly exposed photos of yourself posted on the internet. Funny thing is I think this is the first picture of me on the web in which I have pants on.
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