Sunday, May 22, 2005

Welcome back to the Internet!

I want YOU to suck my balls!
The Pharmacist with the Golden Tonsils (Sounds like the title of a kids book). I've also got a classic bit of video at the end of Stairway to Heaven, where Pharmacy Matt raises a rock'n'roll fist and shouts enthusiastically, "Thankyou Syd-neyyyy! Goodnight!". Thankyou Sydney, indeed. Awesome party. I've been trying to avoid hyperbole this week since reading a stern article on the topic, but I feel that this 'awesome' is justified. I've earnt it. It was awesome, though! It inspired me with reverence and awe. This might have been caused by the three Sweety-Pies I had in rapid sucession, but, ay!

After a thoroughly entertaining (and draining) week in Sydney, it's hard getting back into the swing of things. I actually got really bloody sick with the flu when I got home, and spent Thursday and Friday in bed. And I become a grumpy so-and-so when I get sick. The pezzas were all like "So! How was it, and stuff?", and I could barely even manage a scowl.

I've realized those two days I spent in at Uni with Iain did absolutely sweet-eff-ay to help me get over the current dilemma with my thesis. It didn't help being sick and having feverish dreams on the topic, either. I felt right uncomfortable looking at it again, after the problem serving as a metaphor in my violent mental disassembly.

Barry buggers off soon. Fuck. Gay, gay, gay. But good. That's all I can summon on the topic. There'll be no more bleary-eyed, bourbon-fuelled sojourns to The Royal and Norton's on BLOODY Norton for a while. I've contacted Pete Costello and told him to factor in a large a drop in revenue from alcohol and cigarette taxes. He was a bit pissed, but is organizing us gold number plates for our efforts.

Some more happysnaps from the par-tay! These photos give an excellent summary of the night of Fi and Pete, in particular.

(In your best inside-your-head Arnie voice) "You are the DJ? Ja, I was thinking that you were going to be gay. (uncomfortable silence). His other friends are." Pete hides behind his standard spirit and agrees solemnly.


Woooooooooooo! Again!

An inner peace normally only found by the village fool.

Hel-lo hot stuffs!

Also, there are photos of the people who the party was actually for! Coming soon to an internet near you.

Hugs and kisses, Mat. Hang on..., KANYE got somethin' 2 SAY!

(from Kanye West - 'School Spirit')
I feel a woo coming on, cuz. I feel a woo coming on, cuz
There it was.
I feel some woos coming on, cuz. A couple woos coming on, cuz
There they was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i reluctently assume that when you used "hot stuffs" as a caption, you ment both you and I....I momentarily assumed you ment my boobies!! he hee he...but they do say happiness is momentary! ;o)

9:36 PM  

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