Pump up the jam, pump it up.

This is Dad and Adam unloading our one year old lambs, which were on stubble in a paddock at My uncle Ian's place. Ian wants to sow that paddock so we had to get the lambs off, you see? Clearly my role in this event was supervision and documentation.
Firstly, free music whores: Dj Iain Mac's latest mix is good. I can't get any more excited than that, but it definately is, well, good. His website header claims that his flow is Acid House Electro Breakbeat Bootlegs Disco Punk Bastard Pop. Anyone who requires nine capitalized words to describe their style immediately redlines my bollocks alarm, but give it a go.
Secondly, comes directly after firstly. It is immediately followed by thirdly, however the use of fourthly is fairly uncommon, and bullet points may be more appropriate for itemizations of this length. More's the point, I've little to add.
Not sure if I'll head to Melb this weekend. I've been working on this FUCKING little problem for the last two days, and it's driving my nuts. I would like to show that something is either less than or greater than one, just not one. Instead, I've managed to show that it is less than a number greater than one, and greater than a number less than one, which is about as useful as tits on a bull in a dystopian post-apocolyptic future in which bulltits in particular are of limited utility and held in very low regard. I'm not even sure whether what I've shown is correct, because lots of inequalities can get my head tangled up something severe. I'm just flipping out a bit because it looks like the olds want to take my bro and I to Fiji for a fortnight, and that would be hella rad, but when I'm stuck on something like this I become completely convinced that I'll never bloody (grumble grumble)...
It's eleven fifty fucking nine already. I've got to haul my gluteus superultramaximuses to the gym in the morning and pump some arse, and need to leave early enough to get home before the evening news. So I'll see youse crunts on the flipside. In the mean time, stick it to the man. That is, if you've got the apparatus and can get in close enough.
Kiss, hug.